Bhagotpur Tadiyal Peerumadara Ramanagar

Vision and Mission

An early life of child begins in the lap of parent and then next comes the school where a child happens to bloom under the shadow of kindness, politeness and love of a teacher. Shining Star School fosters all possibilities for learning, encourages to try new and exciting thing, and give them a solid foundation to build on. We believe that education should stimulate creativity, independent thinking, exploration, and experimental as a lifelong process.With this approach, we equip our young people with the skills and mindset to thrive and then take on the world. Shining Star School has the legacy to promote ethical values and integrity among the students by creating a healthy and friendly environment. The school merely does not groom the academic appetite, but also enroot all-round progress of its students; to ensure this we have been making all roads to enthrall enthusiasm by amalgamating the scholastic feature with those of the surrounding world. We ensure that our aim is to motivate our students to recognize the importance of her responsibility for the society and the nation.

Liaison With Parents

     As an educational institution affiliated to CBSE, we recognize the critical importance of maintaining a strong liaison with parents. We understand   that parents play a vital role in the education and overall development of their children, and we are committed to working closely with them to       ensure that their children receive the best possible education.

   To achieve this, we have implemented several measures to maintain efficient and regular communication with parents. These measures include:

  1. Regular Review of Student Performance: We maintain a periodic review of the student’s performance in academic subjects, as well as their participation in extra-curricular activities and behavior. This information is regularly communicated to parents through reports and parent-teacher meetings.
  2. Parent Connect Programme: We conduct an annual Parent Connect Programme, wherein teachers personally reach out to parents on their turf. This program provides an opportunity for parents to interact with teachers and discuss their child’s progress, any concerns or grievances they may have, and effective measures to help their child prosper in life.
  3. Faculty Home Visits: We also conduct faculty home visits for students to understand their backgrounds, and to provide guidance and support to parents in addressing any issues that may be hindering their child’s progress. These visits help us to establish a strong relationship with parents and develop a better understanding of their child’s needs.

    we recognize that parents play a crucial role in the education of their children, and we are committed to working closely with them to ensure that   their children receive the best possible education. Through our regular communication channels, parent connects program, and faculty home visits,   we aim to establish a strong relationship with parents and work together towards the common goal of their child’s success.

Guiding Principles

  1. Student-Cantered Approach: The guiding principle should be centered on the needs of the students. The school should strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic, social, emotional, and physical development.
  2. Inclusive and Diverse: The school should be inclusive and celebrate diversity in all its forms. It should respect and value the differences of each individual, and promote a culture of understanding and respect.
  3. Excellence in Education: The school should strive for excellence in education, by providing high-quality teaching and learning, and continuously improving its academic standards. The school should focus on holistic development, with a well-rounded curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
  4. Collaboration and Teamwork: The school should encourage collaboration and teamwork, by fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect. It should promote a positive and supportive environment, where teachers, staff, and students work together towards common goals.
  5. Ethical and Responsible Behaviour: The school should promote ethical and responsible behaviour, by encouraging integrity, honesty, and accountability. It should promote values like social responsibility, community service, and environmental awareness.

Continuous Improvement: The school should strive for continuous improvement, by adopting innovative and effective teaching methods, and regularly assessing and evaluating its performance. It should be open to feedback and suggestions.

Pricipal's Desk

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians of Shining Star School,
  It is a matter of great pride to welcome you to the Shining Star School. As the Head of  Shining Star School family, it’s an honor and a privilege to work with the students, the staff, and parents to make the school the very best it can
be. On behalf of the entire team at Shining Star School, I welcome you all.
As the leader of the wonderful team, I would like to assure you that the Shining Star School aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where gifted and talented students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Students will be challenged and engaged through authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to develop creativity, confidence, and resilience to become independent and ethical life-long learners. At Shining Star School, we offer a range of opportunities for all our students to achieve excellence in academic, creative, cultural, sporting, and social endeavors. We value and nurture collaborative learning, positive relationships, and building capacity amongst our students to effectively allow them to engage in the world of the future, where problem-solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating, and innovating are not only valued concepts but expected skills, attributes, and capabilities. We aim to create a safe, nurturing yet challenging environment that is built on positive relationships; developing the  student – emotionally, socially, and academically. We care for and appreciate each of our students as the unique individuals that they are, each with distinct talents, interests and needs and each with different learning styles.
I strongly believe that fostering our students to build respectful relationships with their peers, teachers, and society is crucial in the present scenario. We instill in our students a keen social conscience and the capacity to make ethical decisions. We work hard to develop and sustain productive partnerships and connections with our parents local schools, other institutions, and society. We are proud to be a highperforming school and aim to be the first choice for all families within our society. We ensure that our students complete their schooling from the School of Scholars with the skills, mindsets, and qualities that will best equip for success in the future. We make sure that our students are intelligent, resilient, creative, imaginative, disciplined, dedicated to lifelong learning, respectful, and ethical. At the Shining Star School, they are being groomed to be the future leaders and role models of society.