Bhagotpur Tadiyal Peerumadara Ramanagar

“Empowering students to thrive academically, socially, and personally.”


Guidelines for Students


  • Students must behave politely and refrain from using any indecent language or engaging in fights or quarrels with others. All forms of violence are strictly forbidden. Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and respect, and greet their teachers and others they meet. They should always remember that the school is judged by their behaviour.
  • When changing classrooms between periods, students should do so silently and in an orderly manner. They should not unnecessarily leave their class at the end of every period.
  • All students are expected to take care of the school property and ensure that the campus is litter-free. We believe that everyone is a caretaker of our planet, and students should be responsible for waste minimization and resource conservation. They should report any water leakage or dripping taps to their class teacher or housekeeping in charge immediately.
  • Indisciplined behaviour in the school premises or in school buses will result in the students being debarred from using the bus facility.
  • The use of cell phones, MP3 players, iPods, cameras, and other such items is strictly banned in school. Any student found with these items will be penalized.
  • Students should take care of their belongings, as the school authorities will not be responsible for any loss.
  • Students should come to school in proper uniform and maintain proper haircuts at all times
  • Girls are not allowed to wear any jewelry or apply nail polish when they come to school. Any kind of fashion accessories is strictly banned.

  • Students who use unfair means during tests or examinations will face strict action or punishment.
  • Disobedience and conduct harmful to the spirit of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student.
  • The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress is repeatedly unsatisfactory, or whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students.
  • Violations of the rules and regulations of the school and the code of conduct will render the concerned student liable to punishment.
  • Underage driving is a punishable offense. Students should not drive to school.
  • No monetary collection for any purpose should be made in school.
  • Students are required to inform the Class teacher /school office if there is a change in their address or contact numbers.
  • Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Class teacher/ Principal.
  • We encourage the observance of rules of discipline and good behavior, as they are imperative for the holistic development of the students.

School Timings

Summer Timings (April – October)

Preprimary: 9:00 am -1: 00 pm

Class 1-Class 12: 8:am-1:45 pm

Winter Timings (November – March)

Preprimary: 9:30 am -1: 30 pm

Class 1-Class 12: 8:30 am-2:30 pm

School Uniform

    Wearing the school uniform is not only a necessity but also a matter of pride. It brings about oneness amongst the children and responsibility in their attitude. To maintain uniformity of shades, design and material, parents are advised to buy the uniform and shoes for their wards, from the authorized vendor. Parents are requested to avoid buying oversized uniforms because it does not look smart and becomes inconvenient for the child to move about freely. Every child must carry a handkerchief. The onus of sending the child to school in a neat, well-fitting and decent uniform lies with the parents.

  1. Summer uniform is to be worn from April to October and winter uniform is to be worn from November to March.
  2.  Classes, I to XII will wear their  House uniform on Wednesday and Saturday.


Uniform Code

       Boys must sport a neat look. Girls with short hair (above the collar) should wear hair bands. Hair longer than this should be tied back from the face. No jewellery, except for a wristwatch and a simple pair of earrings may be worn. Entry into school without a uniform is not allowed even after school hours or on holidays. It is compulsory to wear the Sports white T-shirt on Wednesdays.

 Parents should ensure that their wards conform to the prescribed uniform code.

   Every child must possess a sleeveless sweater and a blazer for winter uniform.

  1. No child shall be allowed to enter school premises in casuals even if he/she is coming for an extra class / remedial class / PTM or any other purpose.
  2. Students are not allowed to wear casuals to school on their birthdays.
  3. House uniform is to be worn on specified days.
  4. Only green caps, green turbans and mufflers permitted during severe winters
  5. A child will be sent back if he/she is improperly dressed.
  6. Children should be properly groomed in terms of haircut, shaving and trimmed nails.
  7. Please note that students are not allowed to wear expensive branded shoes/sweaters to school.
  8. Due care must be taken to put name tags on all uniform items. This will help recover them in case of loss or exchange during PE, SUPW, Yoga or practice sessions.
  9. Boys: Hair must be cut short (except for Sikh students). Girls: Long hair must be tied.

Boys: Hair must be cut short (except for Sikh students). Girls: Long hair must be tied.

School Rules

Welcome to Shining Star School, where we are committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all members of our community. Our Code of Conduct reflects our values of respect, responsibility, and cooperation.

We expect all students to respect the personal rights of others and to take responsibility for maintaining a safe and positive environment. Misconduct of any kind is not acceptable and will be dealt with appropriately.

Regular attendance is essential for students to gain the full benefits of a holistic education. Being punctual and present in class on time demonstrates discipline and develops positive habits that will benefit students in all areas of their lives. If a student arrives late without permission, a note from the parent or guardian must be provided to the class teacher. Students who are late more than three times without permission will not be allowed to attend class on that day.

Attendance on the last day of school before vacation and the first day of school after vacation is mandatory. If a student is absent without prior permission, they will be subject to disciplinary action. If a student needs to leave school early, a note from the parent must be furnished to the principal.

Leave of absence during school term is not granted except under special circumstances, which must be explained by the parent through a note to the principal. Prior permission from the principal must be obtained for this purpose. Repeated or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days will result in the student’s name being struck off the rolls. If a student has been sick, they must provide a medical certificate from their doctor on re-joining school. If the student has had a contagious disease, a certificate signed by the school doctor is required before the student can attend school.

We believe that these rules will help students to succeed academically and to develop positive values and relationships. We appreciate your support in helping to maintain a safe and positive learning environment at Shining Star Scho

About RTE

We are pleased to announce the admission process for the upcoming academic year at our esteemed school, in accordance with the Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009. The RTE Act is a landmark legislation in India aimed at providing free and compulsory education to all children aged 6 to 14 years. As part of our commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunities, we are proud to reserve 25% of our total seats for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds under the RTE Act.