Bhagotpur Tadiyal Peerumadara Ramanagar

Shining Star School is dedicated to fostering the holistic development of its students. Our school calendar is filled with a range of activities that promote this goal, with theatre being a key component. To further enhance the student’s learning experience, we bring in experts from the field to provide insight and in-depth knowledge. Regular theatre workshops are held to allow students to hone their skills, and our students have been recognized for their outstanding performances through awards won in competitions.


Welcome to Shining Star School, where we believe in providing a holistic education to our students. We believe that every child is unique and has the potential to excel in different areas. That’s why we organize regular puppetry workshops for our middle and secondary-grade students.

Puppetry is an art form that has been used for centuries to entertain, educate, and inspire people. It is a powerful tool that can help students develop their creative imagination and observation skills. Through puppetry, students learn to express themselves, communicate their ideas, and develop their storytelling skills.

Our puppetry workshops are conducted with the help of local puppetry artists who have years of experience in this field. Participants are taught to make and manipulate simple paper puppets like finger puppets, masks, and paper rod puppets. Students are also taught the basics of storytelling, puppetry techniques, and the art of bringing characters to life.

During the workshops, students have the opportunity to work in groups and collaborate with their peers. They learn to develop their ideas and use their puppets to dramatize stories and convey their messages. This helps to enhance their communication skills, build their confidence, and foster their creativity.

At Shining Star School, we are committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges of the future. Our puppetry workshops are just one of the many ways in which we strive to help our students develop their skills and reach their full potential.

So, come join us and discover the magical world of puppetry!